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Music On Itv

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emily1890 | 20:22 Wed 01st Dec 2021 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
I have always been curious about this: is the music on ITV their own, or is it well-known and commercially out their?

the music I am refering to is the music used during the programme announcements (and now on ITV, insert name of show)

I'm just curious about the music they use


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No, they either use library music of soundtracks or a popular track. Royalties have to be paid and there are royalty free tracks. A popular library is KPM.
22:19 Wed 01st Dec 2021
No, they either use library music of soundtracks or a popular track. Royalties have to be paid and there are royalty free tracks.
A popular library is KPM.
^^^ Not entirely true.

ITV commission the services of companies such as Echoic Audio to write the music for their station idents, etc:
^^ And echoic music use composers who write specially composed music for trailers & adverts. They get paid according to how often their music is played and any royalties they may be due.
Have a look on YouTube, they might have some of the music there.

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Music On Itv

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