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Magical Or Macabre

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Canary42 | 21:17 Sun 05th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
While browsing facebook today I came across an advert for Casting Body Parts (Xmas present perhaps). The link below shows a few examples, but in order to avoid spam, I won't reveal the outfit offering this service.

Now I know this was fashionable in Queen Victoria's time (I've seen her family collection at Osborne House), but what do folk think ? I think it's macabre, but you may think it's magical.


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Canary This is what I would call creepy.
22:49 Sun 05th Dec 2021
I can see doing it for a baby so when they grow up they can marvel at how tiny they once were. Aside from that, though, I'm not sure I see the point.

However, there may be a constituency...
There's nothing new about it. Usually babies hands and feet.
I've certainly seen them before. Not something I'd ever thought to do though.
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An amusing link jno :-D

"Those were the days" memento for Oldies maybe.
I can see the appeal of the tiny babies feet, never had my two cast though.
Hmmm, elbows...
This is what I would call creepy.
Although that does seem odd to us now Wolf, I don't find it creepy at all.
Weirdly unsettling, but fascinating
It's s definite no no from me. I have my first baby shoes sprayed in gold on our dresser. My mum sprayed them. That's great, but I wouldn't like baby feet!!
Oh Wolf, I find that very, very creepy. I find stuffed animals very very creepy too!
That means no taxidermy in the AB escape cottage.
The conversations that occur on here late at night! LOL.
In an art class at uni I once made a complete plaster mould of a friend. It was done in sections. It was fun to do but of course she was alive.
I'm glad that practice of propping dead people up to take photos no longer exists.
are you sure Barsel? Some black and white wedding photos from the 60's may suggest otherwise :-)

A s-i-l and I also wondered about a wedding photo taken a few years ago - groom and his family (from Mr Alba's side) look decidedly put out (wedding took place in 2015!!)

Put out or laid out?
I like those, canary, although don't have any myself. I love hands. They are just so... human. Especially when they are older and a bit battle-scarred. Will have to ask my clients:-), would recognise all of them by theirs.
More than 30 years ago a mate of mine had his 'dangly bits' cast and he kept it on the mantlepiece.
That's just horrible ^^^^

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