Holding in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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murraymints | 09:42 Tue 15th Mar 2022 | Film, Media & TV
22 Answers
based on a novel by Graham Norton 4 parts on itv player in full..brilliant a mix of Father Ted Ballykissangel and Hamish McBeth..most enjoyable..funny sad poignant..well done Mr Norton hope there is more to come !!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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It was enjoyable. Loved seeing Mrs Doyle in it!!!
And the wonderful Brenda Fricker - who played Megan in Casualty for a few years. I really enjoyed it looking forward to more
Loved it, can't wait for next week!
10 minutes in and i knew it wasn't for me. Probably more suitable to the 8pm Sunday evening slot?
I managed the same 10 minutes as Ken. OH stuck with it until the end but won’t bother with any more episodes. Each to their own at least we gave it a go.
Thank goodness I'm not the only one as I couldn't stand it either. Perhaps it's because I don't watch any of the programmes Minty has mentioned.
I was sooo looking forward to it, having read and enjoyed a couple of Graham Norton’s books. I gave up after watching it for a disappointing ten or so minutes, didn’t find it funny at all.
4 all at the moment.
Must admit to not liking any of those mentioned in the OP, too. Perhaps it's a pre-requisite for enjoying Holding? :-J
is that Kathy burke who was Perry in Hasrry Enfield?

Anyway I find it quite good - some of the womens parts are wrong but that it because a man has written it

(Dickens wrote to Geo Eliot saying he thought she was a gurl because the girlie bits in Adam bede were so life like)
Disappointed. Not subtitled
Jenny, we watched it with subtitles
JJ, watch it again on catch up, it is sub-titled

Ok thanks
Looked again. On catch-up. ITV player. Still no subs
I've just tried it on the ITV Hub, and the big S was there from the start, bottom right of the screen. Clicked on it and the subs came up straight away. Maybe it's something to do with you being in NI, JJ
I don't think it is because of being in I think it is the device you use. Apps are different on different devices. I can't get subs for some programmes on ITV Hub on my laptop or smart TV, but I can on my phone.
You could be right, chelle

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