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Did Anyone Watch The Thief, His Wife And The Canoe Last Night?

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ladybirder | 10:11 Mon 18th Apr 2022 | Film, Media & TV
59 Answers
If so what did you think? I thought it was excellent and remember it happening.

Never knew Harrogate was by the sea though and I used to live close by;-)


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Enjoyed the second part last night, but if they are really being portrayed as they were at the time, I want to give him a good slap - he's so cocky and she is just letting him bully her into going along with everything. I keep thinking how far fetched it all would be if it was just a fictional drama and then realise that it all really happened ! I'm finding it riveting...
08:39 Tue 19th Apr 2022
I hope they haven't benefitted financially after all that deceit. I won't watch it.
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Although I'm sure many who remember this will know whether they benefitted or not I won't say as it might spoil it for others who haven't seen it but will watch.
Why don't you want to watch it hw? Do you remember them?
I watched it and if you didn't know that it was based on a true story you would think it was unbelievable!
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Did you enjoy it Ellie and will you watch the rest of the series?
It was okay, I thought it was a bit slow-moving but I will watch the rest of it. Couldn't believe that anyone would do that to their children. Felt a bit sorry for the wife but thought she should have spoken out, IMO she was spineless
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He was threatening her, what a nasty piece of work he was. I think if she had never met him she would have lived a law abiding life.

Yes, what an appalling thing to do to your children.
I don't want to watch it because I am simply not interested in their lives.
We have it on record.
I was in two minds at to watching it, but decided I will.
Love the actor Eddie Marsden.
What about the actor Eddie Marsan, who stars in this?
I was in a rush and didn't check spelling..:-))
I watched and will probably see it through to the end but it was a bit slow. The awful and frustrating story could have been told in 2 episodes I think and not 4. I found myself inwardly shouting at her for going along with it.
//story could have been told in 2 episodes I think and not 4//
i find that the case with most four parters just lately
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Fair enough hw.

Hopkirk that is funny.
Yes, I watched it and enjoyed it even though it seemed very far fetched, but of course it wasn't ! Personally, I think the man is an idiot, he quite happily walks about the area thinking he is invisible because of his beard ! Apparently he used to walk into the town and everything. I'm looking forward to the other episodes. His wife comes across as a bit mousy to me ...
good to see you quoting Randall, Hopkirk
I dont believe John Darwin spent years confined indoors with the curtains closed, which suggests the locals adopted a never saw or heard anything mentality, or perhaps when the story was out of the headlines they forgot about him
I'm recording it.
The first episode was excellent. Hope the other three are too. I’m beginning to feel sympathy for Mrs. Darwin.
they were voluntarily photographed together in Panama wh sortta gave the game away - I dont know about gardening

a sort of stay at home John stonehouse

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