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Hosting Eurovision

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pastafreak | 09:27 Sun 15th May 2022 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I was thinking last night...will Ukraine be in a position to actually host on their own soil next year. It's surely very expensive and needs planning and funding. And there are so many other issues to consider.
Maybe some nice country can do it for them? Just wondering.


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I was thinking the same thing
I thought that too. If not, then would they pass the baton on to the UK?
I expect we will host it as we came second. But Vladimir Zelenski has said he wants it in Ukraine, and one day in Mariupol.
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I too thought that we might host, though I've seen that Zelensky has vowed to have it in Mariupol.
He has yes!

Such a lovely place Mariupol - once
That won’t be next year tho: he said “one day”
One day on Ukraine. The thought is that one of the 'big five' will take it on next year.
At around twenty five million quid a time, Aunty Beeb probably won't exactly rush to take on the task of hosting the competition if UA:PBC can't!
Ukraine wants to stage it.

Whether it’s a wise use of funds is a another matter.
My hunch is UK will stage it in Manchester
Wouldn't a better system of funding be all participating countries contribute an equal amount each year? It might even improve some of the songs as I think some countries want to be there but not actually win because of the costs that would involve.
A joint hosting would be good if impossible in the Ukraine.
For a war torn country,
One wonders why an 80s pop singer decides to
do a gig there????
If I was a 30's pop star I certainly wouldn't want to do a gig in Poland where its occupants are fleeing for their lives.
But hey, youngsters eh?
nothing really to do with the q though nailit.
I liked ich's answer to the bono question on the thread about it the other day "zelensky asked and they went, good on them" (or words to that effect)
word on the street is Spain will host if Ukraine are unable. Unlike the BBC, RTVE have made an offer.
nailit, I am sure the troops were grateful Vera Lynn didn't have your mindset during WWII
The contest could always be postponed until the conflict is resolved and Ukraine is rebuilt.

A winner for everybody.
nailit - it was common in war times for entertainers to visit soldiers - its to lift their spirits and bring them news from home etc.
Bing Crosby etc was famous for doing it - I believe the late great Monroe did it too

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