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what were your fav sweets as kids

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loopyc | 18:16 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
44 Answers
spangels and pacers were my fav!


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You will have to be as old as me to remember my favourite which was Nux bar

mint cracknel

sherbert dip

aagh! pacers made me vomit and I still don't feel right if I see green and white stripes together.... Is it my imagination or did they sell something called Angel Dust at my sweet shop, which was in a big jar in layers of different colours, and the man just poured it out into bags for you?
mmm sherbert dip.. and shertbert fountain thingies mmmmm
black jacks for me, and i loved the liqourich that looked like twigs.
Pear drops and lemon sherbets - oh and those little bags of "gold" that crackled in your mouth!
That brought back memories cliffsdoll, blackjacks, I used to get four of those and four fruit salad. yummy.
I used to like the chocolate cups - they just melted in your mouth - oh and all time favourite is curly wurly
I liked Space Dust!! Crackle!!
it has to be texan !

My favourites were Cough Candies.

If you really want to conjure up the taste of your childhood confections try loads of old favourites.

Oooh the memories.

I'm with Mattk, it has to be a Texan bar
sports mixtures - still addicted and i hate to say it i'm a veggie. try to limited myself to one pack a year
Yeah sports mixtures were the best, but the geniuses at maynards, who now own them, have decided to replace the black with blackcurrant-disaster!!!!!
Black Jacks, shrimps, jelly bears, liquorice, midget gems, sherbit, orange tic-tacs, the list could go on. For 10p I could get a packet of crisps & lots of small sweets.



Well i used to love pacers they were like minty chewits and i was a sucker for cough candy twist oh and them candy cigarettes god i loved them!!!
Another vote for Texan bars here!!
raspberry ruffles.
Texan bars it is for me too! - bought some a couple of months ago and they were just as chewy!

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