You are right Ellie. He got him out of the bin and put him in the Underworld van then we didn't see it but he must have taken him and buried him somewhere because they remarked on his filthy fingernails in the pub and he said he had been gardening at Gail's.
Two other comments about Stephen (who I can't stand!!). Surely Leo's dad would have smacked him by now for interfering every two minutes and, secondly, where is he getting his money from? His card was refused ages since and as he only had £20 left he could not afford the tie when he bought the suit in the charity shop. He couldn't afford a hot pot last week and, now, he keeps buying drinks and even telling Daisy to keep the change!!! OK, it's not real but you'd think the script writers would invent some plausible rubbish!!!
Rant over!!!