I tried to watch it, because I think it's only fair to discuss a programme in detail if you have seen it.
And I stuck it out for nearly half an hour, and then I had to stop.
Not because of the judicious use of footage to attempt to back up Harry's recollections of living life in a lens all the time.
Or even Meghan's recollections of their relationship, which made them sound like a pair of fourteen-tear-olds - finding out who he 'really' was by reading his social media ouput.
No, I could manage that.
It was the music!!!!!
Those endless weeping violins, the constant arpeggio piano backing (if you don't know ow that sounds, listen to Someone Like You By Adele) - it made me want to pull my own face off!
Now I accept that my reaction to any music I hear is more extreme than anyone I know, but I can usually make myself ignore it, and concentrate on what's going on, and not the accompanying sounds, but with this, I simply couldn't.
I got the thrust of the series - Harry and Meghan have lucked in with a company who could convince viewers that black is actually white (no pun intended!) through judicious editing, and setting out a narrative, and then finding newsreel footage edited to make it fit.
I know the American viewers will lap it up, and the British viewers will see the sham and artifice involved.
But I won't be able to watch any more of it - of 'M' and 'H' cooing over how fabulous each other is ...
What it comes down to for me, as a British person, and I suspect that many will feel the same, is the position I have adopted over Harry since this nonsense started -
What singularly fails to grasp is that sitting in his $12 million mansion in California moaning about how hard-done to he is, is never ever going to grant him an atom of the sympathy he clearly believes is his by right.
Understand this Harry - every time your name is mentioned, it is preceded by the word 'Prince' - and that's where your right to moan ends. Right there.