There is a number of people who with their cameras will go and take film of buildings ( police stations, industrial units). When asked by either police or security the film makers say they are making this film for their own enjoyment . These meeting can result is strong language and even assault on the film maker. In this instance the film maker takes the assailant to court and is able to secure ' damages ' for bad treatment. I kid you not. There are a few of these people One I am more aware of is a chap called AB Auditing Britain. I find the whole circus absurd. Why would anyone want to 1- take film of police stations with the hope of inciting conflict, 2- Then make a you tube channel so followers can rejoice in their behaviour ? How many of us seriously think these people are nutters, or like my better half think they are not ?
No jno , not at all. These people go out with the whole intention of causing affray. Of course the police/ security people should keep their hands away from anybody. When I say assault, I mean quite often the laying on of an arm to propel somebody along , nothing which has ever needed any medical treatment.
He breaks down the law of both sides of the confrontation. I don't understand why these people do what they do but I have to say that many of the police officers haven't got a clue about the law.