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Biggest Regrets In Life

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nailedit | 19:08 Sat 14th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
48 Answers

Weve all got regrets in life.

Some big, some small.

Some potentially life changing, others not so much.

Some with unknown consequences if carried out etc.


I regret not having seen Freddie Mercury and Queen in concert. Not a life changing event but as a Queen fan a significant one.

I regret never embarking on a love affair with someone who obviously had a thing for me because I was in a relationship that was going nowhere anyway. Who knows what may come from it?

I regret having ever tasted alcohol as a kid that was bought up in working mens clubs in the 70's.

Many more...

What are your regrets?






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I also regret not having gone on to furthur education and making something of my life..

Not spending more time with my dad.

not telling my mother what I really thought of her!

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal
Tout ça m'est bien égal
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
C'est payé, balayé, oublié
Je me fous du passé

Not learning to sing in English Tilly?

When my grandfather died, when I was a kid, there was a piano in his house that nobody else knew how to play.  So my parents offered to pay for me to have piano lessons at the home of a tutor just down the road from where I lived, with the spare piano being brought into our home for me to practise on.  However I was a shy kid, and totally terrified by the thought of going into a strange adult's home, so I declined the offer.

Several years later, when I'd gained some self-confidence, I asked if it would still be possible for me to learn to play the piano but by then, of course, my grandfather's piano had been sold and my parents couldn't afford to buy another one.  So I never got the chance to learn.  I still regret it to this day :(

 alot of the time, none but

not  being able to tell the difference between  ( men) who wanted to  help me and those wishing to take advantage of  setbacks I had suffered

still happens now -  but seems less important and considering my terriblemedical history is much less significant

Too personal to share

My regret is: not realising that teachers say - no that is not right, ( when it is) because they dont like you...

I don't have regrets as a subtle change in my past might not have led me to where I am now, with a wonderful family and lovely life. 

However, a bit of me wishes I'd tried harder at school and gone to university, then forged a proper career. 

But as I said, no regrets.  I could have done the above, and now be sitting on my own with a bottle of wine and 36 cats, instead, I'm sitting with the other half, my son, and a bottle of wine, 1 dog, watching the Ireland match. Bliss, that could only be improved by my daughter being here, but she's too busy being a student.

Letting my families beliefs about class and social position affect my choices when I was younger

Not going to art college

Marrying my first husband

A few affairs but not all of them

The usual..... Well usual for me anyway




Leaving the Merchant Marine because of love/lust for a beautiful woman.

My biggest regret was not asking my Mum and Dad about their lives. How they met, how they coped during the war, which jobs they had and many many more things I now wish I knew but wasn't interested in finding out when they were alive.


happens to everyone, Barsel. People who get involved in family history usually start when their parents die and they realise they're the last person who knows anything about the family and they don't know much at all.

Very true jno. There is only me and my brother left on my Mums side, all the Aunts, Uncles and Cousins are no longer with us.

We do have some cousins from our Dads side but I'm sure they wouldn't have the info I would like to know. Also, we have lost touch as they live quite a way away.

David Small, my late husband would have posted the same, he left the merchant navy  because his first wife couldn't handle him being away....  He always regretted it.  I met him after he reached retirement age but he was an officer and officers wives could travel on many of the ships had he still been working I would have travelled with him some of the time I expect.  

So many people marry, their partners change to try to please them, or simply  as they settle into a different life and somewhere down the line the complaint is ' they are not the person they were when I met them'


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I have a few regrets. Doing English Lit instead of maths at A-level.

Not getting a decent job when I was in my 20s, instead of bumbling along until it now seems impossible in my 50s.

Being really silly over men. 

Early on that was me too, becoming a nurse changed that, acted the part until it became my reality

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Regrets  ... I have a few ....  but life goes on.  No use looking back.

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