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nicebloke1 | 17:04 Sat 20th Jan 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

In the film Waterworld, the whole globe is supposed to be under water. And Kevin Costner appears to be nurturing the only tomato plant on the planet. The baddies chasing Kevin are on and off lighting up filter tipped cigarettes. How can that be if the globe is under water. Did the fag factory escape the flooding. :0) Any thoughts?



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And heres me thinking I would be, dam! :0))))

Evolving gills that quickly is the main elephant in the room 😂

There is not a film in existence without plot holes. Though given they seem to have at least one supertanker maybe there is industry, making stuff on big ships. It is the whole world after all and we only look in on a small part of it. Oh and there is "dry land" they reach it in the end.

the whole world wasn't literally covered, was it? If they can grow tobacco in Nepal (which they do), there must be some high ground left in the film.

I don't know what altitude the filters have to be grown at.

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How do we know he didn't take the unicorns - he took the Dodo but it's no longer around 😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   

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On Wikipedia, the oceans rose by 25,000 foot and what they called Dryland was near the top of Everest.

If all the world's ice melted, sea levels would rise a few hundred foot so where did the other four mile come from?

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