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Anyone Using The Nationwide App?

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ladybirder | 12:36 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | How it Works
14 Answers

I'm being asked every time I log in if I want their App.  I don't really do apps.  Have I got to do it, now or eventually?  



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I use it and it is very useful on my mobile phone and its handier for payment verification when you can't find a card reader

I have the Nationwide app and like it, you don't have to have it and I don't know if that will change in the future 

Not Nationwide but I only use apps for my banking now - so much simpler.

I have a NW account - no app.

Being a programmer I dont trust them security wise, not yet anyway so I dont have any finance apps on my phone.

//so much simpler.//

The more simple it is to use usually the more easy it is to break into.


Are you serious about app security?

I only use apps and use my phone. It's very user friendly and one thing I dislike about NW is the card reader, which is required less with the app. 

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Maydup I hate the card reader as well so that will have a bearing on my decision.

Better think a bit longer.  Hmmmmmmmm?

What puts you off, lb?

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YMB's answer plus the card reader.

You don't use the card reader with app.

We all have our opinions about bank security.  Some experts believe apps are more secure, others disagree and some say the user is the biggest security risk, not the app or website.

Banks prefer the apps because they have more control over them.  

When you log on to their website they have no control over the browser you use, the extensions you have added to the browser, the viruses, keyloggers, Trojans or other nasties that may be lurking.

I am happy to use the apps. 




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Maydup at 13.07 says the app is still used with the CR.

she dislikes having to use the card reader with the PC. It's not needed with the app. (I think)

You are right, Dave. I log in to my Nationwide app every day and can't remember the last time I used my card reader

I did have to dig out my card reader the other day but it's a rarity when using the app. 

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Anyone Using The Nationwide App?

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