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T W A U ... Celeb Chase....todays Gem......

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ToraToraTora | 20:56 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers

Q: The quote from the film "on the waterfront" - " I could have been a contender" - is about what sport?

A: Rowing!



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I've never seen or heard of that film.

Me either, but, when TTT wears his panties on the outside of his clobber, just like Superman and Batman  do, we all need to kowtow to his "Super Power" that he apparently possess 🤣

What a ***😏

I didn't know the answer and I don't know the quote.

i have heard of the film though

He usually says 'the answer is in the clue, that's why it's funny'.

Not this time

Question Author

05:28 then you have led a very sheltered life me old china.

But, but, but, your super powers are so awesome 🤭

How could anyone disagree 😆

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my superpower is making normally intelligent people pretend to be thick. In your case it's not needed.

As long as they're only pretending, though!

I haven't spent my life watching films I have no interest in. 

Question Author

So how do you know if you are interested in the film without watching it?

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T W A U ... Celeb Chase....todays Gem......

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