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ToraToraTora | 10:37 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers

Most remakes are a steaming pile of excrement! Do not touch the classics.



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the remake of true grit was pretty good


Generally I agree and there are few exceptions - but one of them is the re-make of West Side Story.  Just beautiful.

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10:40 It was one of the better ones but still not a patch on the original.

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10:42 Yes that one was better.

A Fistful of Dollars was a remake, I believe.

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There's only one in IMDB barry.

It was a remake of a 1961 film called Yojimbo, which was dubbed in to English for the US market

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Perlease they were often re told stories of japanese films. That's not a remake anymore than Mag7 is a remake of 7 samurai!

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Last Man standing is also the same story but not a remake.

Wasn't The Magnificent Seven based on The Seven Samurai?

Dr Zhivago was a  film from the 1960s.  It had an all-star cast and great production values.

There was a made for TV production a few years ago.  I haven't seen it but can't imagine it being anywhere near as good as the original.

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10:59 yes but it's not a remake. The Forbidden Planet was based on the Tempest again not a remake.

The tv production of Dr Zhivago had a great cast and got very good reviews.  I considered it be another adaption of the novel rather than a remake of the film.  

The Magnificent Seven , with Denzel Washington , is a good remake 

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err no, appalling!

Clearly a matter of opinion.

Indeed - as will always be the case , Naomi 

Somebody's looking for a few dollars more.

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