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Was The Attempt On Trump Encouraged By Biden?

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ToraToraTora | 10:30 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
13 Answers

He did say put a Bullseye on Trump a few days before someone did.



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Only the insane would interpret those words that way. One can't analyse everything said for every ridiculous possibility of interpretation. Biden makes quite enough genuine worries without trying to pin that on him too.


I think some see patterns when only chaos exists.

//Only the insane would interpret those words that way.//

Probably the same ones who couldnt work out what was written on a bus.

No, untimely but I doubt it had any bearing whatsoever on the nutter who it seems had been practicing bombs for a while.

The real problem are the people who think voilence is ok so long as it achieves their warped ideals.  We saw it on here, usual violent left wingers. (And NO, not all left wingers are violent before the usual pedants start)

Biden has apologised for his stupid rhetoric. Perhaps he'll be more careful what he says in future lol!

It appears to me the ability to add exceeds the ability to make change.

// "It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." //

// Fight! Fight! Fight! //

Take your pick 😕.

//Perhaps he'll be more careful what he says in future lol!//

I agree with the "lol" - he'll be more careful about what he intends to say - how it comes out may be completely different!

He's not out of the woods yet, it could just be the beginning of a concerted campaign.

Goodness knows there's no shortage of nutters and guns in the US.

Twisting words and meanings is what opponents do.  We see a lot of it now and not only in politics.  I don't think he meant it literally but some of those hearing it might think differently.  I wouldn't be surprised if someone else takes a potshot at Trump.

OG 10.39 "Only the insane would interpret those words that way" 😎 Have to agree with you...Spot on.😎

Biden's not responsible for anything he says these days, though, is he?  Let's face it. He evens struggles when it's written in bold caps for him on the teleprompter.  

It seems the lefties did not give any leeway to frank hester when he said someone should be shot.

Looks like someone else may have just tried to put Trump in the bullseye. Didn't get very close this time.


False alarm, apparently the man who was shot and killed was homeless and not targetting the RNC. 

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