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sandyRoe | 20:55 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

15a One escapes porpoise thrashing rival(7) O?????R.

22a Fellow on strike delivers touching line(7)T?????T.

19d Gear in street and lane not an item in alley?.




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15a Opposer - anag 'porpo(i)se' (one escapes)22a Tan-gent19d Skittle - 'kit' (in) 'st(reet)' + 'l(an)e' (not 'an')
20:56 Sat 27th Jul 2024

15a Opposer - anag 'porpo(i)se' (one escapes)
22a Tan-gent
19d Skittle - 'kit' (in) 'st(reet)' + 'l(an)e' (not 'an')

15. opposer

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Thank you both 

Oh thank you, LiK  (and sandy for asking).  I'm stuck on those at the moment...........and probably some others.  :)

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