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Radio 4 Extra

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ferlew | 19:10 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

Does anyone know how I can get the above on a small FM radio please.
Spent ages looking what MHz it's broadcast on with no luck.



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As far as I'm aware it isn't on FM, only DAB.

From Wiki

The station is broadcast nationally on digital radio – via the BBC National DAB multiplex – and online via BBC Sounds and other services such as Radioplayer. It is also available on a number of digital television platforms; Freeview, Virgin Media, Freesat and Sky.

Captain is correct, ferlew. You might use this to check if DAB radio is available where you live:
Digital Radio UK - just pop in your post code and it will advise you. I would post a link for you but they always fail me now, sorry. Small Dab radios are relatively inexpensive :)


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Thank you Captain and Choux.
I'll look out for a reasonable priced DAB one, it's only for when I sit outside in the garden and knit.

Sounds lovely :)

In 2022 the BBC said they were going to shut it down.

From Wikipedia:

On 26 May 2022, as part of planned cuts and streamlining with a greater focus on digital, the BBC announced plans to discontinue Radio 4 Extra as a broadcast station.


As it hasn't disappeared 2 years later, perhaps they changed their minds.


You don't have to buy a DAB radio, you can listen on BBC Sounds.

I'd make sure that the radio is DAB+. This is an upgraded version of DAB.

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