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T W A U .... A Chaser This Time.......

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ToraToraTora | 18:11 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
14 Answers

MC this time:

Which of these people would most likely be called a "polesitter"?

A: Lewis Capaldi  B: Lewis Carroll  C: Lewis Hamilton

Answer B:




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I had to Google that, TTT.  My husband had never heard of it either.

Question Author

looks like my superpower is kicking in again. You've never heard of pole position and that Hamilton is a racing driver? Right oh!


an ascetic living on top of a pillar, especially in ancient or medieval Syria, Turkey, and Greece in the 5th century AD.


Oh dear.  Still wearing your Y-fronts over your trousers.  I've heard of pole  position - but that wasn't the question.  

The contestant got that correct 

I guessed it correctly by a process of elimination 

Question Author

yes, hence the phrase "A chaser this time".

I thought MC stood for Master of Ceremonies i.e the host i.e Bradley Walsh 

I've never heard of a polesitter either. Pole dancer, yes. Is it a pole dancer who manages to sit on her pole?

Question Author

yep the old superpower is strong today! The lengths people will go to to be contrary!


I suppose if one watches F1 they'll know what 'polesitter' is, otherwise, maybe not.

Did I read that TORATORATORA  appeared on The Chase or did I imagine that?


Takes one to know one TTT 🙄

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T W A U .... A Chaser This Time.......

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