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Only Connect

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sadielady | 17:14 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers

New series of Only Connect, BBC2, Monday 12th August at 8pm  followed by University Challenge at 8.30 pm



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Thanks Sadie.  One of my favourite quiz shows.

Good :)

Ta for the heads-up, sadielady 😊

and Mastermind

Two thumbs up from me.

many thanks

I've stopped watching Mastermind, bhg.  I think it's been dumbed down.

I suspect that sadie gets Radio Times on subscription...perhaps?

I think Amol Rajan settled into UC okay. He wasn't a popular choice but at least you get the impression he might know some of the answers.


My favourite programme too. Thank you Sadie. xxx

Thanks sadielady. All I need do now is remember.

Victoria Cohen announced it on X this morning but maybe Sadie is a RT subscriber


Woohoo - love OC and MM .

Good, thank you. My favourite quiz show - I'm so thrilled when I get one right!!  :)


^^ That's for OC - bit unsure about Mastermind these days. 

Noted ....... thanks for the heads-up. 😊

Question Author

No  can't afford Radio Times nowadays,  but do get one of the cheaper listing mags which do come out on Tuesdays

Got one question right on Only Connect. Very rarely get more than 2 right on any show. Sometimes get some of the wall connections

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