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Do Not Disturb By Freida Mcfadden

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sp1814 | 14:04 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Not a question but a recommendation. If you liked Gone Girl (eg. books with huge unexpected twists), then please try Do Not Disturb by Freida McFadden.

The plot in the first half is similar to the film Psycho (lone woman ends up at a strange motel in the middle of the night), but then there's a massive "gotcha".

You're left questioning everything you've read.

Highly highly highly recommended



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Thanks for that recommendation sp - sounds just the sort of thing I like x

^^^ Me too - thanks.

Thanks for the recommendation, just added to my Kindle account :)

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I hope you enjoy it. 

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I've re-typed this message three times - but all I will say is that I'm so impressed that I'm going to binge everything else Freida McFadden has written. 

I will look out for this as it sounds good and my fave genre too!

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