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Good Morning A Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:03 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Bright blue skies already and the look of a scorcher ahead today. In fact the whole weekend forecast for here in London is hot! Fab day for being lazy in garden. Will still have to think up dinner/s tho. I saw a funny  image online a while ago which roughly said 'Why did nobody tell me when I got married that I'd have to plan & cook dinner 365 days a year for the rest of my life!!?'. Made me laugh as it's not far from the truth! Unless you're my FIL - he ADORES cooking and spends every waking hour in his kitchen lol...

P.S. for Barry - in reply to your last comment on yesterday post which I've just seen, no I never managed to get the results I wanted(doc reckoned he hadn't received them!) so I made several fone calls to several depts & just hope I get them on Monday x





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Not sure why it says A in the title - sorry lol!

Morning Smow and all.  We share the cooking but deciding what to cook is always the hardest part.  

Fingers crossed for Monday, hope the results are good

Dull here at the moment but meant to be clearing up during the morning.

Finally got Probate in the post, only taken 9 months on a straightforward Estate!!.  Now got to get the banks to transfer the accounts in to my aunts name, then I can hand over to the POA.  Even though the probate had me tearing my hair out I think he has drawn the short straw.

Hope your results come through quickly, must be quite worrying.

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Morning Barry : ) I guess I'm fairly lucky in that OH will eat practically anything lol, I just run out of ideas. I mean, there's only so many things you can do! When I have a spare hour I do like to plan for the weeks meals ahead, even if I then swap them about a bit. That way I know that I've got several night all sorted for already.

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Morning ubasses- wow 9 months! Goodness knows what takes these things so long - that's ridiculous! Especially if youve had to keep chasing things all the time! 

Morning.  I'm not keen on cooking - such a waste of time - I'd rather read a book -  but my husband loves it so whenever the fancy takes him I don't complain.  He does a superb chilli and sun dried tomato king prawn pasta.  I'm not a great foodie - I can take it or leave it and I eat very little - but I absolutely love that!

I see chef Tom Kerridge is serving fish & chips at £270 - £180 without wine.  I think I'll pass on that.





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Morning Naomi : ) oh that dish sounds wonderful!

as for Tom Kerridge - I cannot stand him! I know the exact dish you mean, when a customer reviewed it there was 8 chips on the plate! Yes, 8! And when questioned he said that a lot of prep had gone into those chips! LOL. 

He said those chips take two days to prepare.  What on earth can he be doing with them?  

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Special potatoes apparently - pre soaking blah blah and other utter nonsense! 

Did that air conditioning unit ever arrived, smow?

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Yea it did naomi! I found a brilliant FB Yodel complaints group, which suggested emailing the actual CEO of Yodel! Which I did, not thinking for a split second I'd get a reply, but his secretary emailed me back within an hour I think! It was delivered within hours! Couldn't believe it. 


There are lots of rules about cooking passed down the generations.  My mother insisted only 'old' potatoes could be roasted (remember when you could buy only little new potatoes in the summer?), they had to be par boiled in salty water, drained, roughed up and put into hot fat.

My daughter in law puts raw potatoes in a roasting pan, pours cold oil over them, bungs them in the oven - and they turn out beautifully. 

I par boil them, spray with a little oil and they turn out great too. 

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That's very true barry - my Nan was the same, but did the most wonderful roasties!

I've done just about every method - but these days just heat up a little oil in tray till red hot, then put par boiled potatoes  in and baste once or twice during cooking. But as an ex Slimming World consultant I've also done many many potatoes with Fry Light cooking spray and tbh they all came out pretty good too lol.

Morning all. Its just started to drizzle here, the garden will enjoy that.  

have a happy day

Morning Rosetta, how are you - and how is your husband?

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Good morning Rosetta. And yes, how is everything? x

Fry Light doesn't suit me, I don't have anything with xanthan gum 🥴

Good morning Smow and everyone. Quite cloudy oop here in West Yorkshire... a lot cooler I love it.

Not much in the way of plans today except i'll be watching the Community Shield this afternoon (ITV 1) both Manchester clubs like the FA cup Final. After the disappointment and drab football from England at least I can mumble and grumble about United again.

Have a love day everyone whatever she may bring you. 

Hello again Smow and Naomi, husbnd is slowly recovering. The doctors on ICU told us people on a respirator lose about 2% of their muscle mass every day they are unconscious. As he was out of it for over three weeks he has a fair bit to build up again. Fortunately he was a fairly fit, slim man before all this happened so he is getting there

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