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Things I Don't Miss From The Good Old Days

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barry1010 | 08:52 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
86 Answers

Used teaspoons in a glass of water next to the sugar bowl on the counter of the cafe, for you to use and replace.


Piles of fag ends in the gutter, dumped from car ashtrays.




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Having the kitchen sink as the only indoor plumbing.

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That's all we had.  The soap was coated in tealeaves - I suppose it was good for the skin.  As dad made it impossible to go the outside loo at night we had to slop out every morning - I don't miss that either


Izall toilet paper. My grandmother had a toilet down the yard and toilet paper was cut up newspaper, I'll never know how it didn't block up the drains. She also only had an indoor kitchen sink and cooked on a black leaded open fire/range 

//I'll never know how it didn't block up the drains.//

If it was a "tippler" they were virtually unblockable. The waste dropped into a hinged bucket which, when full, became unstable and tipped over into the main sewer below.

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I had Izal until I left home, my parents refused to buy anything else.  My girlfriends would smuggle soft toilet paper in to the house when they visited.  

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That's not my understanding of tippler toilets.  The tippler as a bucket that was filled by the waste water from the kitchen sink and when full tipped down the toilet to flush it and righted itself.  The toilet waste went directly down the sewer more as less as it does now.

Good grief how old are you all? 😂

Cassette tape fluttering in roadside bushes

Tinned spaghetti and ravioli (I know you can still buy it but I wouldn't dream of eating it now)

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I remember the cassette tape decorating the verges :(

Never eaten either of those things, have I missed out?

I don't miss the stench surrounding the onstreet urinals, usually cast iron ornate affairs, often with an ominous puddle creeping away from it.  

Was going to say similar to auntypoll, I'm not young but not even my grandparents only had a down the garden toilet, newspaper for loo paper, only 1 sink. You're going to say you sat in a tin bath in front of the fire next :-)

//You're going to say you sat in a tin bath in front of the fire next :-)//

 I did - only on Sunday night. And my PJs were warmed in the bread oven of the fire range.

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Of course I sat in a tin bath, we didn't have a bathroom.

In the summer when we didn't have hot running water I went to the swimming baths to use their proper baths - towel and soap provided. 

The smell, that's what I don't miss.

Washing clothes by hand or in a twin tub!

A twin tub made an excellent emergency drinks trolley when neighbours popped round for a glass of Skol, Blue Nun or Babycham.

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Going through all the video tapes to find the film I recorded only to find it had been taped over

spin drier that looked like R2D2 that would jump all over the floor x

The dolly tub, posser and mangle.

The dolly tub, posser and mangle.

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