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....And So It Begins....

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ToraToraTora | 12:20 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | News
5 Answers

So the bin men want a piece of the action, don't blame them really Sir Kneel set the ball rolling with the 22% capitualation to the quacks. It was innevitable the rest would pile in. Just like old times, the bolsheviks will be loving it, better get Leicester square ready!



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no but you are. It's a simple enough post, what's confusing you?

you posted an almost identical question 4 days ago (even same reference to leicester square)

If i didnt know better, i would think you really didnt mind when people go on and on about the same thing.  Or is it just other peopl?e

Dont comment then Bednobs, it really is that easy.

This is now goign to become commonplace, it looks like labour are going to learn the hard way that actions often have unintended consequences.  In this case it could well be rampant inflation.

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you mean this one?

Well this is an update, already the government are giving in to inflation busting rises. So the Bin men get their way for now but that's just the new negotiating position they now know they can get more. There will be a lot of this once the rest of the unions pile in. Those mad enough to vote Labour will soon come to realise what an own goal that was.

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....And So It Begins....

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