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Sadiq Khan Demands £25Billion To Fund His Pre-Election Promises

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naomi24 | 12:15 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

//Despite having an existing £21 billion a year budget, the London Mayor is calling for the eye-watering sum from the taxpayer to fund commitments made in his re-election manifesto.//


Promising what you can't fund - the same old Labour story. 



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//He was elected.//He was elected by the people of London,he wants billions to spend on the people of Londonso maybe the people of London should fund his right-on fantasies.
15:03 Wed 21st Aug 2024

What qualifies this man (with his polytechnic law degree) to hold such a responsible position and to spend at will such vast sums of money

A typical Labour nonentity and an adherent and promotor of a foreign religion into London to boot.

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He was elected.

It was up to him to promise what he could find budget for. No one else should be paying more to get him out of the mire.

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He's good at getting other people's money - and at squandering it.

12.35  Naomi  .Elected three times ...pushing the Cons out

//He was elected.//

He was elected by the people of London,

he wants billions to spend on the people of London

so maybe the people of London should fund his right-on fantasies.

Yup, no problem so long as those that voted for him pay up and not a penny piece from anyone outside of Londonistan.

£25 billion...My God.. Boris would have had a very proud day paying off  all the Jennifer Arcuri's for services rendererd, with that amount of money, when he was Mayor of London.

You're going to put a couple of people in hospital, Gulliver. 😄

I agree with zebo - if Khan wants this money, as Lord Mayor of London, then the people who elected him as such should be happy to pay it.  Nothing to do with the rest of the country.

He's not Lord Mayor, that's a different thing altogether. That's not to say he won't make a power grab though, he seems to imagine he's entitled to so much. 😄

Oops!  My mistake, Douglas, sorry.

More money making schemes hitting the motorist again.

I didn't vote for him by the way.


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