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Victoria Wood

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tamaris | 11:34 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

What was the sketch, something about wanting to be thrown  up against the wall, fridge. Not let's do it.



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sorry RFQ fault! apologies.

Let's do it

The Ballad of Barry and Freda

If it's not the one you're thinking of, it's still great.

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Hi I did say not let's do it

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Hi mushroom RFQ ?

// RFQ //

Read the 'kin' Question - which I clearly didn't...... 🤣

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Haha x

While searching YouTube for the answer I came across one of her ditties, the one about the banning of the word 'winker' if you know what I mean.

A rare talent in the world of humour.

Didn't find the answer though 

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Victoria Wood

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