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Wyatt Earp And The Cowboy War

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Vagus | 14:36 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers

Just finished watching this on Netflix. It was very interesting despite me not being a cowboy fan. Worth a watch.



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When I was a kid I feel I was led to believe that the cowboys were the good guys, and the Indians were evil.

I think I was misled.

history's written by the winners. Wyatt Earp lived till 1929 and spent a great deal of time advising on the sets of movie  Westerns and explaining to everyone what heroes he and his family were.  In real life they were just as thuggish as the Clantons.

Bat Masterson, who'd been sheriff of Dodge City but ended up as a sports writer for a New York paper and died in 1921.

////When I was a kid I feel I was led to believe that the cowboys were the good guys, and the Indians were evil.

I think I was misled.////

Me too Hoppy.  Hollywood trying to sanitise near-genocide

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