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naomi24 | 15:47 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Who watches - and who do you like/not like?  



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Jenny and Lee and Dave and Shirley are myself favourites 

Not me, tried it and it didn't appeal

"myself favourites" - what does that mean?

mine are the sidiqquis

Cannot stand the awful cackling Sophie.  Used to love Stephen and his husband.  Love Jenny and Lee.

My favourites are  the two 'nutties' Mary and Giles. Least favourites those two girls from leeds Ellie and Izzie they are so false .

Like Giles and Mary but can't stand the gobby sisters from Leeds

'snap' ! 😁

I stopped watching it years ago - not sure why, novelty wore off I suppose. But I did find it amusing. Can't remember any names though.  

Perhaps I'll start watching it again so I can contribute instead of just waffling 😊

Oh terribly sorry bednobs I'm sure you realise it was a typo but thanks so much for pointing it out

Haha  😁

The Siddiquis are far above the rest imo.  Baasit is an IT teacher in a secondary school whilst Umar works for the NHS, he has been a Biomedical Scientist in Microbiology at the Royal Derby Hospital for 17 years.  I also like Giles and Mary.

I can't stand the brother and sister who are so snotty about almost everything and everyone and think they are so smart themselves.  Nor can I stand the Brighton hairdresser guy, Stephen, who snorts and cracks up at his own "jokes".  His husband must be relieved they are divorcing.

Do you watch it Naomi and if so who are your favourites?

I like most of them favourites are Abbie and Georgia From Durham (Geordi accents) I've said many times if I lived with Giiles for more than a week he'd have been buried under the patio years ago 

I have never watched it, I can't see the appeal.

But hats off to whoever invented a format that is so cheap to make, and hugely popular. 

I really don't like the daughter who sits with her mum and dad amongst all that crochet and knitted stuff, can't remember her name.


Agree Vagus.  She's never got anything good to say about anybody.

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I do watch it, LB.  It makes me laugh so much.  I wish they wouldn't swear so much though.  Pete and his little sister Sophie are proper know-alls so they get on my pip a bit - and I think both Giles and Mary are long-suffering in putting up with each other.  Either would drive me daft.  Abbey and her friend Georgia are hilarious.  A programme about Columbia - 'We live near there' says Abbey.  I think she meant Cumbria.  

My husband hates it.

You're right about the swearing Naomi.  When Giles swore once Mary nearly had a heart attack.

Pete and his little sister can't not swear every time they open their mouths.

I do watch sometimes, but wonder why when the awful Giles and Mary come on. How I haven't damaged my TV I don't know.

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