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Just Been To My Local Off-Lisence

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nailedit | 16:59 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Because I'm a drunk...thats what I do 😂....

Its run by an Indian family, lovely, hard working people.

There was a guy in there getting abusive because his 4 pack had gone up 50p. Eventually reasoned with him that it wasnt the shop owners fault that inflation happens (and they were still relativly cheap compared to other local shops)

He then stormed out of the shop, effing and jeffing, and then immediatly came back in. My anal nerve began to twich at this point and my fists clenched ready for a tear up. He then said "what the hell are you saying about me" to the shop keeper. I assured him that the shop keeper had said nothing ( He did actually, but hey!)

He then shook my hand, apologised and left.

The shop keeper gave me a free can of beer.

Result 🤣




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It happens 😄


It takes some guts to run an off-licence in such an area of deprivation.

Some pubs are worse:

What a horrible existence you endure nailedit.

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A few years ago, I somehow sensed a couple of guys were about to do in the shopkeeper of my local convenience store/off licence. Without really thinking about it I ran in after them. Some effing and blinding but fortunately they walked off. The shopkeeper thanked me the next time I went in

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