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Theblip | 07:22 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers

I've finally got round to watching Broadchurch, 11 years after it was made.  I'd heard such great things about it, and I must say series 1 lived up to the hype, and Colman and Tennant are excellent throughout.  But series 2 wasn't quite as good, and series 3 is dull and barely plausible.  So disappointed they cast Julie Hesmondalgh who I dislike watching on TV almost as much as Clare Balding.  What did you think of Broadchurch?



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I have only watched the first series and, like you, I thought it was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed it. 

I must get round to watching the remaining series.  I hope it is not as disappointing as you say.  

Not a fan myself. I did watch series one a few years after it was first on TV but didn't go back to it. All a bit contrived I found. 

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