Good Morning Early Thursday Birds. in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning Early Thursday Birds.

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Smowball | 05:58 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

Have only had about 2 hours sleep(as usual) - not quite sure how I function all day lol. Maybe I should take on a night shift somewhere & make some money out of it lol.

This week is going far too quickly again, way way too quickly. One min I'm saying oh it's Monday and before I know it, like just now, it's Thursday! Before we know it the Christmas trees will be going up! I actually know someone who has all their Xmas presents bought & wrapped by June! Now there's being organised and there's being organised lol...... half the fun is sitting down in December to wrap presents with a Christmas film on the tv and the tree up in the background...

Need to go to a Specsavers this morning and see if they will repair my glasses. Only bought them a few months ago and went to put them on yesterday and the arm(is it called that?) on one side fell clean off. A screw must have worked its way loose. Assuming that they do repairs these days? 
Hoping you all have a fab day x

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Morning, Smow. 

Very little sleep here, too, it's becoming a real problem for me.

I'll be very surprised if you can't get your glasses fixed. 


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Morning Barry. They're just reading glasses - I've never had to have any repaired before so don't know if they charge etc.... either way they need to be fixed lol. Hope I dont get fed the line' oh we can't do it here, they'll need to be sent off!'. 

'Morning Smow

Good morning Smow? I'm sorry you got so little sleep. When I first joined this site I thought of making my user name "Insomniac". How little I knew!

^^^ that took off before I finished!!!  I seem to survive on about 5 hours' sleep though it does catch up on me sometimes.  A birthday lunch meeting on the cards today (not mine). x

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Morning Hazlinny/Impatiens. Yes I genuinely do not know what it's like to have a full nights sleep! Would love to tho - and when you're married to someone who can literally put their head on their pillow, say Goodnight, and then sleep for 12 hours!! Grrrrr.....


G'day Smow, I made the mistake of purchasing glasses from spec savers too.

A cheap piece of tat that falls apart very quickly.

If only I could have seen the light 😏

I can't imagine that they won't be able to replace a screw in your glasses.  If not, make sure you know what your prescription is and get a pair from the Pound Shop to tide you over.  Mr U buys 5 pairs at a time and has a pair in several different rooms.

We have just been given our 6th Exchange date on the house, with only 2 weeks to completion so we are having to take the risk and will be taking things apart and making ready for move.  Still expecting something else to go wrong as there have been so many hitches. Can see us having to put it all back together again!!!


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lol morning Oz. Can't  remember what I paid for them  - just remember that they were cheaper than I thought they were going to be. 

I've learnt cheap isn't always best😒

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Yes I will Ubasses : )

MrSmow got his eyes tested an opticians (obv) and then goes online and buys his reading glasses from Tiger Specs. Really good prices and so many choices! I used to then had this brainwave that Specsavers was better. Mite take a look at Tiger Specs again today for a couple of spare pairs. 

I will tell him about that site.  Wish I could do something similar and not have to pay around £800/900 every 2 years.

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Omg that's expensive!!

Morning Smow and all. Oh has just bought 2 pairs of specs for £6/£7 from a firm on amazon but I would be very surprised if Specsavers cant repair them for you.

Only thing happening today is OH dental appointment. They did detect a  non urgent problem when he was in hospital so he went on their waiting list. Heaven knows how long that will be so he is having it checked by his own local denist.

Have a happy day y'all

Good morning all, didn't check in yesterday, stayed in bed as I think I had "something". Feeling fine today. I was at the opticians this morning to pick up 3 new pairs of glasses. Total cost £240. I too have glasses in most rooms, just cheap ones for garden and kitchen. I had an arm fall off and the optician fixed it free of charge.

Cloudy here and it is trying to rain,you can feel the moisture in the air. Think it is an Inside day.

My problem is I have 4 different prescriptions, each eye has different long and short distance requirement.  Then there are prisms in both lens plus photochromic.

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