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Nucular Weapons....aaarrrggghhhh

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ToraToraTora | 10:16 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
57 Answers

Some eejit on the news channel saying "nucular" makes my blood boil. How can we have "journalists" who can't even talk, surely that's the basis for reporting on TV.



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Question Author there is some woman on there saying we are supplying Ukraine with measles! That's all they need!

But you know what they mean, don't you?

It's obvious what they are talking about, right?

Mangling the spoken word on a spoken word platform pretty much correlates to mangling the written word on a written word, wouldn't you say?



It annoys me too. Then we can start on 'could of' and 'should of' - it never ends.

like people who use "eejit" for "idiot", you mean?

Is this really, "news" or is it about pronunciation?

Quite, TCL.

This ought to be in TV or, given the irony of the poster and the subject, perhaps Jokes would be more appropriate?

Looks like it's your turn today, ToraToraTora 😂

This is his fifth thread about the pronunciation of "nuclear".

TTT frustrated by other people's use of language. Who'd a thunk?!

Good point, well made!

George W Bush struggled with the word terror.

It sounded like trrrrrrr.

Bush - famously - could not pronoune 'nuclear'

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oh dear looks like a lot of alans in a brahms again. If you are going to use a word pronouce it correctly that's the point. All the rest is obfuscation.

"like people who use "eejit" for "idiot", you mean?"

Eejit is a perfectly good word. It is of Scottish origin and means "a stupid person".

Collins Dictionary. Def. eejit   ... 

1. a foolish or senseless person
2. old-fashioned, offensivea person with a severe learning disability


Homer says "nucular" and he should know!

(Marge says "foilage")

If you want to be understood use the correct words that everyone can understand. That's just common sense and courtesy

Our "heritage" broadcaster is the worst offender in the race to the bottom of the lingustic league. The next 4 months will be Septemba, Octoba, Novemba and Decemba. 

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Nucular Weapons....aaarrrggghhhh

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