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Nta. Was Bradley Walsh Joking?

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smurfchops | 22:13 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

When he tackled Ant and Dec?  They won the award (again...). Instead of him.  Wouldn't surprise me if he was serious.  He hinted at an OBE not long ago ....



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What did he say to them?

It's become a bit of a joke that those two keep winning. What is it now, 23 years in a row? They'll still be wheeled out in their dotage. 

I've just watched it. I think he was joking, but there seems to be a bit of a hint of 'Oh, really, again?' Like all of us, I guess. 

I'm happy with my bank - Santander.

However when I see the Ant and Dec adverts for them, I feel like closing my account.

I didn't see the programme so can anybody tell me the Soaps results.  Paul in Corry should have won an award in my opinion but can't find anything about it anywhere.  So, did he?

He won Serial Drama Performance.  Emmerdale won best soap

Thank you SO much for that and the link Barry.  He deserved to win but I can't understand why people keep voting for those two presenters whose names I cannot even bring myself to say.  I just think they are WEIRD!!!!!

Hopkirk - I agree about those Santander adverts.  It's my bank and I dread to think how much it pays them.

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