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Celebrities You Don’t Like But Don’t Know Why

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naomi24 | 18:05 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
67 Answers

Shirley Ballas is one.  I just don't like her but I've no idea why I don't like her.  



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bit of an odd question - Simon Cowell springs to mind tho'

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Strictly is on tonight.  That's what brought it to mind.

but fair play to him going along with the superhero advert. must have been paid a fair whack.

Going back quite a while but Hughie Green had something about him.  Too smarmy, maybe.

I have no idea who SB is or recall seeing her at all.

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Oops!  I'd forgotten I'd asked this before.  Never mind - new people, new thoughts perhaps - but thank you, douglas. 

Carol Vorderman

I can't think of any celebrities but I have occasionally met someone who I have disliked on sight and have no idea why.

18:26 yeah but surely you know why?

Jeremy Vine

//18:26 yeah but surely you know why?//

sometimes it's just envy?

Fiona Bruce.  

I'm not sure why I should envy Carol Vorderman 😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  

^^^ her fame, her fortune, her good looks?

Stephen K Amos, a sea of bitterness floating an enormous ego, not many laughs either.

//Stephen K Amos//

about whom dave said - who?

Not necessarily a dislike, but someone who always makes me feel uncomfortable to watch is Julian Clary. I just have to switch over I don't know what it is. His whole personality seems over the top. 

^^^ is JC still alive? Not seen it for ages. Didn't bother (with) me at all really.

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