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Strictly Last Night

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naomi24 | 10:18 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

What a racket!  I'd forgotten how noisy it is.  I couldn't stand to listen to it so turned it off  What is with the mass hysteria?



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I just hope and pray they've ticked all the boxes in terms of the Celebrity line-up. 😉

It's a certain type of person that goes along to this kind of production, already teetering on the brink, who are then pushed over by those paid to work the crowd into a frenzy over something that's actually unexciting, bland and formulaic.

They've got a blind bloke on it this year, how does that work?

We'll have to wait and, errr, see.

Could be worse, ToraToraTora. If an Airline Pilot was blind I probably would have misgivings about boarding the plane.

I expect their partner has little bells sewn into their clothing.

The gags are getting cornea and cornea.

TBF Chris McCausland was hilarious, one of the other contestants is a doctor apparently, he quipped: "We are just grateful to be in the same room as a GP"

Blind people can dance.  He didn't go blind until he was in his 20s so must have some idea of what dance looks like.  He should also have excellent spatial memory.  I expect they will use aids such as those small, properly jointed human forms they use for life drawing practice so that he can feel the shapes he should be making.

He seems a good bloke with a great sense of humour, hope he does well

I like Chris McCausland but even though I'd like to see how he gets on I won't be watching the screeching racket that is Strictly.

With Naomi on this one.

Who are these so called celebrities - only heard of Chris and Toyah.

If you are that bothered you could always try google. It doesn't bother me too much I just like watching the progress they make. I guess after 19 years they are running out of 'real' celebrities.


Chris is a funny guy.

 I hope he does well in this. I assume there's no guide dog to get in the way.

Maybe the budget won't stretch to the D-list anymore.

I thought it was very corny, especially the opening sequence.  And everyone is a luvvie and absolutely adores everyone else.  And how come they were all dancing in sequence at the end?  Where did they learn that?  With their new partners who they have only just met?  All recorded in advance of course, like the Sunday vote off show which is recorded on the Saturday.  Who are the BBC kidding?

But that is the nature of the show I think the first one is always recorded and the dancing for 'real' starts next week - although nobody is voted off. As for the Sunday result show it would make no sense whatsoever to bring everyone back on Sunday, no sure why they pretend they do. 

Well known celebrities are too busy to commit so much time to Strictly and if they suffer injuries they might not be able to do the work they've been lined up for.  

Maybe they should rebrand as Sickly.


Interested to see if Toyah still has all her, ummm, moving parts.

Strictly and I'm a Celebrity are more for people trying to revive their careers it seems to me

The audiences for these shows aren't interested in the competitors, they go along purely to make a louder contribution than anyone else.  Very basic and immature oneupmanship.

//what is it with the mass hysteria//

I don't know. I agree with Toyah who when asked the same question said 'it's a mystery...'

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