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Why Is There A Blind Bloke On Strictly?

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dave50 | 21:45 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers

No offence but isn't it taking diversity to a ridiculous extreme? How long before someone in  a wheelchair is taking part?



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Is he a dancer or a judge?

some answers here.

soon i hope for a wheely :)

So they can pair him with the ugly wimmin? Or he won't be able to grope "inappropriately"? 

One legged dancers before the wheelchairs surely. They would be good at the hop. 

If Rosie Jones can get a kick at the ball then anything is possible on TV.

The 'rabbits in the headlights' looks on the faces of fellow contestants when she launches into one of her amusing anecdotes is painful to watch.

They already tried that last year but couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Why not?

It's an entertainment show and he's an entertainer.

Got a lot of time for Chris McCausland. Funny guy, and although I don't watch strictly, I might keep an eye on it (pardon the expression), to see how he's getting on.

>>> "Why Is There A Blind Bloke On Strictly?"

A much better question might be "Why shouldn't there be a blind bloke on Strictly?".  Blind people enjoy dancing and, indeed, can be highly proficient at it.

AB's own, much-missed, Woodelf was totally blind but he was also a highly talented artist who taught himself to play guitar, helped to design a website for others to learn to do so, wrote children's poetry, tackled cryptic crosswords and much, much more in his life.  To the best of my knowledge, he didn't dance but I know that he would have been highly offended at the suggestion that his disability made it impossible for him to learn to do so.

why is there a blind bloke on Strictly?

um because he cdnt find his way to Lidl ?

Disgraceful, should be locked away in an Institution like in the Good Old Days.

I suspect it isn't about how possible it is to learn to dance when blind, but more about awareness of where the partner is during the performance. I'm sure it must be more difficult to be at exactly the right spot all the time without that confirming data, even with the ability to hear the music. The partner will need to be much more aware of everything in case they need to compensate when parting and rejoining during the dance.

I have seen a dancer in a wheelchair. On an Andre Rieu programme, I thing. Her partner just picked her up wheelchair and all and swung her around.

I have an awful lot of respect for Chris McC in the way he just gets on with things.

I wonder if they've got Gary O'Donoghue lined up...

unlikely - he lives in the USA (i presume).The blind person is chris mcausland

"No offence but isn't it taking diversity to a ridiculous extreme? How long before someone in  a wheelchair is taking part?"

Are blind folk not meant to dance?

I'm not a big fan of the show but this were one of the most beutifl...

isuppose one ofthe problems is, you will neverknow if the person got a good score because they danced really well, or because they danced really well "for a blind/disabled/deaf" person

Same could be said of the more mature contestants, or the overweight, the unfit, the very popular.... 

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