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Something Only A Child Would Say

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renegadefm | 08:30 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

We couldn't believe that our 9 year old is obviously picking up on stuff from the news and media. 

She suddenly blurted out, if Putin ends up claiming Ukraine it will be destroyed by that time, so why would you want to claim a destroyed country?


I couldn't answer to that. 



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Yes he would, it's the terretory. ...and it won't be destroyed, some bits will be but most of it won't. Ukraine is very rich agriculturally and in other ways.

Must just be me, but that sounds a very unusual thing for a 9 year old would say. Maybe not, I don't know

A new twist on getting Ukraine back on the boards?

When wars end somehow the wherewithal is found to rebuild bigger & better than before.

It's surprising what young people say. There's a young a girl, aged about ten, who lives near me, was playing with her friend. Instead of saying "what shall we talk about?" as most youngsters would, she said" Well Alfie, what's your topic of conversation for today?". Poor Alfie just said "what"? 

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