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Canal Boat Diaries

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Bazile | 12:06 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

How does the guy pay his way - does he work ?



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Robbie Cumming? He makes money from his YouTube channel and his music as well as the several TV series he has starred in

He gigs as well, in pubs and at festivals 

No doubt he's a minor celebrity now and very well paid for it!

He used to work in marketing for a large gardening company whilst living on the boat, I don't know if he still does


Lots of people work full time whilst continuously cruising on their narrowboats; game developers, graphic artists, administrators, marketers, accountants, will writers...

Others use their narrowboats to sell goods such as sweets, crafts, artwork.

My friend is a pet artist and continuously cruises, another has turned one narrowboatbl in to a cafe and lives on another

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Canal Boat Diaries

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