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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:28 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers

Q: In 1990 which PM introduced poll tax in England and Wales?

A: Winston Churchill!




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Was this in the Cashbuilder round? I struggle to understand Bradley when he's speaking so fast. I would probably have just heard 'prime minister' and blurted out any old PM. Better than passing, as I always say. That REALLY annoys me

I'd have known that one.  She signed her own political death warrant when she introduced that legislation.

Cant keep blaming Maggie then!

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18:33 I think Brad is clear most of the time, he sometimes misspronounces a word and puts you off but in the whole I'd say he's pretty good. He was clear with this question.

It was the right policy but like Liz Truss' economics it was put to death! (but not by the same people)

In a few months we will have 'which prime minister froze the pensioners to death'?

Depends if the contestant was very young.  I find young people in general pretty poor on history.  Someone recently gave Abraham Lincoln as a 20th century president.  That said, I could never go on The Chase.  I often need more thinking time.  

I think I would have given the young girl a few grand.

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the bloke looks mid 50s to me.

Aren't people still being pusued for Poll Tax arrears? It wouldn't surprise me.  I know someone who never paid a penny of it and was pusued for years by the council.

This one depends on how old the contestant is. For we oldies who lived through both PMs it is ludicrous. But I was thinking about it in terms of the 34-year gap - for example say in 1963 (when I was 21) - how much did I know about PMs in 1929 - answer absolutely nothing.

I'm just watching it.  He's an orthopaedic surgeon so no idiot.  Maybe his nerves got the better of him.

I ran it back to the introductions.  He's 34.

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