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Black Hole? What Black Hole?

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naomi24 | 13:02 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
3 Answers

“Rachel Reeves herself told us in June in the Financial Times – that there were no secrets, that there were no hidden columns, no hidden books, it’s all public, it’s all in the OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility), you know it’s all there.

“So you can’t claim there’s a black hole. That’s literally what she said but now, now she sees more black holes than Mr Spock.”


Jeremy Hunt


She must have forgotten what she said.



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But the OBR has called into question the information it was provided with by the previous government.

(This was mentioned in a thread yesterday.)

"“The Financial Times did a Freedom of Information request to the Treasury to ask where this fictitious £22 billion number came (from), the reply they got back form the Treasury was we can’t give you the workings because we’re not sure they’re accurate." - black hole my april!

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Just one of her many faces.  Funny how the tune has changed in so many areas since Labour were elected.

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Black Hole? What Black Hole?

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