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ToraToraTora | 14:33 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
42 Answers

Q: What planet does a Joviacentric moon orbit?

A: Mars!




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I know what Jovian means.Notwithstanding all the defensive posts here, I think the contestant's answer does reflect the declining levels of what my generation considered General Knowledge.For the younger generation GK seems totally confined to "celebrity" gossip, Pop stars, and Reality TV.  History, Geography, Science, Literature don't get a...
13:56 Sun 06th Oct 2024

I've never heard of it either. Grammar school educated too!

We all pick up seemingly useless information that once in a lifetime comes in handy during a quiz. Unless you have a specific interest in astronomy or space exploration, I don't see where the man in the street would be expected to pick up such a word.

I'd have challenged the question- shouldn't it have been   "Jovicentric" not the non-existent word Joviacentric?

I have heard the expression By Jove. And Jovial. And of course the religious group Jova's Witnesses, whom I now realise must watch Jupiter's path across the sky at night.

nma - joviOcentric, I think.

I got Jovicentric from a  few dictionaries, such as this:

I've not yet checked joviocentric.

But when I check Google for Joviacentric I got ONE hit- and that was TTT's thread here!

I note the orbiter getting into descent mode by gently turning through 180 degrees after meeting resistance.

Firing retros as somebody once said.

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I miss spelt the question the word is Jovicentric. It was spoke by Brad, I didn't see it written down. The sound of the word was not affected.


Brace for impact! All engines full reverse!

nma - I typed joviOcentric into Google and it offered me joviA centric, so I believed it.

Isn't Webster's an American dictionary? We all know they can't spell.

I know what Jovian means.

Notwithstanding all the defensive posts here, I think the contestant's answer does reflect the declining levels of what my generation considered General Knowledge.

For the younger generation GK seems totally confined to "celebrity" gossip, Pop stars, and Reality TV.  

History, Geography, Science, Literature don't get a look-in.

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bang on canary.

My wife and I are definitely of the older generation 

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well barry, some are born knowledgeable, some achieve knowledgeability some have knowledge thrust upon them!

Surely, no one is born knowledgeable.

I am fifty odd and never heard of it

Some have a brain full of useless facts 

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14:18 it was meant to be joke tilly.

"The sound of the word was not affected."

Is the, "a" silent in, "Joviacentric" because it shouldn't be there?

Aye, like the 'p' in banana.

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