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How Can I Get Rid Of Subtitles Playing .Mkv Video Files

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CW1 | 13:28 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

I can't get rid of subtitles playing .mkv files (that don't have subtitles embedded, no .srt files) on a neighbour's Smart tv (not connected to wi-fi), or using VLC on a PC.

They're not there on my Smart (pretty much the same one as neighbour's - same manufacturer - but mine's connected to wifi) tv, or using Windows Media Player. Has got me flummoxed, have never had this happen before.

How can I get rid of them on my neighbour's tv ? Subtitle button on his remote makes no difference.



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If the tv remote has the up, down, left, right type of control try pressing up when the file is playing 

On some tvs a cog wheel appears in a menu only for a few seconds on start up. This is not settings but options. You may find the subtitle selection in there. It may be called captions. 

Question Author

Something else to try, thanks.

Odd it plays without subtitles on Media Player but with them on VLC tho' ? 

They are turned on by default in VLC. To turn them off, click the Video tab at the top, then subtitles, then disable

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Has never done that before on VLC barry, but that one particular file does default to enable so thanks for that tip. Fingers crossed one of the other suggestions work on the tv later :)


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Unfortunately neither of those suggestions worked. Hitting ⬆️ on the remote didn't do anything, & is no cog on starting the tv. There is on mine, but that takes me to Settings on the BT box. Neighbour's signal is from the aerial, he has no boxes connected.

Got round it eventually by using .mp4 files with associated .srt files, & deleting the latter. Very weird.


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How Can I Get Rid Of Subtitles Playing .Mkv Video Files

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