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Nigel Farage Lying – Who’d Have Thought?

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Hymie | 21:26 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
24 Answers

We are fast approaching the USA state of politics, where politicians can say what they like and their cult following will believe them (even when it is pointed out that they are lying).


The fool Farage needs to be reminded that he will lie at the drop of a hat every time he appears on TV, telling more lies.





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I'm not watching your tacky videos.  What did he say?

what porky did he tell? Can't be arised to what that.


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I told you that his cult following don’t care that he lies.

yes but can you tell us what the porky is?

Well, I'm guessing the title answers that question.

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Although the video is nearly four minutes long, you only need listen to the first minute to hear Farage admit he lied.


If I was a Farage cultist (as many ABers are), I would want to know what lie my hero was accused of saying – even though I wouldn’t believe it.

It is a pleasure to do the watching for the lazies of AB

The blessed Nige did not hold surgeries in the run up to the election, and said  the Speakers Office had told him not to

when checked with the Speakers Office - they said no they had not given advice

and  when challenged - "The blessed nige said 'the  speakers office is always right" - - silence

Didnt we know he lied voer the £360m a week or was that Cameron and F commented - we shdnt have said that 

News everyone Pope is  a Roman Catholic

Oh I love the dainty precious - oh  I cant watch videos

AB in full flow on a Monday night

The speaker's office is always right. I interpret this as defining the unapeachable position of the office. In other words, you can't fight city hall. Better to accept their dictatorship than make enemies of a very powerful bureaucracy. I think he was so advised,as he said, but off the record.

Yawn !

Are we keeping you up? Go to bed.

Don't usually watch Party Political broadcasts but last night happened to see the Reform Parties one on BBC after the news.  Thought it was really comical with the digs at the incumbants we presently have in office.  Farage on good form, but yes he is an MP so if he speaks there is a good chance that he is lying as with all MPs.

So it's one person's word against another and Nigel Farage made a flippant response that the SO is always right.

Sarcasm isn't lies. 


Hymie loves Farage nearly as much as gully loves Boris!

The train for Ackowlegement stopping at Denial, Bluster and Haughtiness-in-Abundance is leaving from the platform on the right.

This is hilarious, how easy it is to trigger Hymie.

Mate you need to see a doctor (if you can find one that is of course).

As I see it, all politicians can deceive, the trick is to spot those who are likely to do most good and seperate them from those proven not to follow through on the things they claim they'll fix.


In this case, Farage clearly felt that holding surgeries was a risky option, given the attacks on him in the recent past, and his present efforts would be better put into publicising the party and building relationships for the future;  which is fair enough, one can't do everything. But questions about that decision were going to be embarrassing so when they came up he deflected them by asking why the questioner thought he hadn't held them.  This was insufficient and so when pushed further he made the mistake of stating he'd been advised not to. Not his best decision as he should have known it'd be investigated further. But as all can see it was a minor deception just to get rid of the awkward question.


Compared with what other politicians get up to, it isn't worth mentioning, except by those determined to attack his character regardless.

so once again no actual porky then.

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