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ToraToraTora | 09:57 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Q: The Plumbus Kite is grey bird named after what metal?

A: Plutonium!




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A weighted question!

Its Plumbeous!

It's Plumbeous!

Question Author

Thanks, Brad doesn't spell it.

Oh dear TTT, you're doing it again. Does it matter that someone gave a wrong answer. Does it matter that They Walk Amongst Us?

Didn't you learn anything from the lengthy thread yesterday, when it would seem half of AnswerBank were trying to help you overcome your overbearing attitude when replying to us lesser mortals?

..... ps. I've never heard of a Plumbus Kite.

Before you take the ***, you should ensure you are correct.

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oh dear I didn't think it would cause a Tonic-clonic seizure!

Question Author

10:15 I am correct the sound is the same Brad doesn't spell it. I've never heard of the bird.

Question Author

wiltsman: ".... ps. I've never heard of a Plumbus Kite." - neither have I, the answer is in the question.

The answer is in the question - but only if the contestant knows the Latin for lead.  On the other hand that contestant presumably knew what plutonium is.  I guess you don't, TTT.

Question Author

10:22 I don't understand your premise Naomi. I know what Plutonium is.

Don't be silly, Naomi. TTT knows everyfink.

1027 - except how to spell!

If you know what it is,TTT, the contestant's answer wasn't quite as daft as you think.


//Plutonium is a chemical element; it has symbol Pu and atomic number 94.  It is a silvery gray actinide metal that tarnishes when exposed to air//

I would never go on one of those types of shows as I know I would panic and blurt out the first thing that came in my head, and then kick myself for giving a daft answer even when I knew the correct ans

sorry, I dont know what happened there^^^^. *answer*

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yes but it is common knowledge that Plumbum is lead hence Pb and it's in latin which means it's ancient so starting with "Plumb" it cannot be plutonim which is man made and very new.

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10:44 yes rosetta but you could also be a star of your very own TWAU post!

What you or I or anyone else calls 'Common knowledge' isn't necessarily common to all.  I wouldn't expect everyone to know the Latin for lead.  This TWAU just doesn't work, TTT. 

Question Author

It worked for me, got the usual foaming at the mouth over a thread for mild amusement. 👍

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