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Gregg Wallace

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Canary42 | 13:58 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Jokes
14 Answers

I had to laugh at the cover picture of Private Eye - a picture of HRH Princess Anne pinning a medal (MBE) on Gregg Wallace - and his speech bubble is saying,"Another woman of a certain age trying to pin something on me".



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Good one 😄

Although Princess Anne likes the gee-gees ...

Inside the Mag


in red 'Latest Development in Masterchef Scandal'

in black 'Confused Mob Burns Down Greggs'


Love it,  he is so creepy

Gregg is a man's man who doesn't behave like a gentleman in the presence of ladies of a certain age.

I mentioned on another thread that I've known men like him. He might think he's just having a laugh but he makes women uncomfortable.
And four wives? I hope they didn't die tragically young, but to mess up three marriages is ...umm ...not ideal

he's a greengrocer, he likes choice.......

His meat and two veg has got him into trouble. He should have just stuck with the veg ...

It is comments like this that persuaded the Beep to pull him off. 


Making women uncomfortable. Does that warrant online pileups by women of a certain age? The newspapers (thinking of female columnists who seem to be well into the social media world) are really having a go at Wallace, calling him a fat bald bloke etc. And they think that returning insult for insult is OK?

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Chill out folks, this is the JOKES category.

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