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Celebrity Mastermind

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smurfchops | 19:31 Tue 31st Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

Never heard of any of them ... have you?



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None entities proliferate the television economy programs garning their fifteen minutes of fame.

I haven't watched any of these 'Celebrity Mastermind'  programmes because I havent heard of any of them. I just wonder who chose them. 

'Never heard of them'.... A familiar comment in this house.

Perhaps if you name them I can answer your question.

We can't remember their names Canary! But they weren't too hopeless this evening; sometimes they are so awful they can't even score on their specialist subjects.

oh, I remember now, thf brightest one was called Kate Butch.

"Comedians Eddi Kadi and Olga Koch were joined by performer Kate Butch and actress Sammy Winward"

Nope. No bells ringing for me

Define celebrity, somebody please?

I know of Olga Koch. Russian comedian. Done the usual panel shows: QI, Mock the Week etc

Comedians? Hardly!


Olga Koch is a computer scientist too and had a BBC Radio 4 comedy series about IT.


Bring back Smugness Smugnesson! 🤣

Wasn't Sammy Winward in Emmerdale a million bleams ago? Never seen her in anything else!!!!

I rarely know who the celebrities on various shows are but I've stopped watching Mastermind anyway.  It's too dumbed down now. 

Not like Traitors eh?

My friend and i were discussing this very point t'other day and we came to the conclusion that, maybe, just maybe, these people are 'celebrities' in their own field.

Ken Dod was a comedian. Les Dawson was a comedian. Billy Connolly was a comedian. None of these so-called comedians today couold hold a light to them. Perhaps Peter Kay and Tim Vine but none of t'others. Oh, and Bernard Manning was a comedian too. A good one. 

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