in the episode with the card game (where delboy had a pair of aces-and another pair of aces), del came out with the statement"my old april was going like a goodun". after loads of research, and being a londoner myself, there is no reference to it. somebody must know what my old april means.....please help. thanks
It's gotta be something that rhymes with heart, and - also being Londoner - I I have heard of "April Tart" which does, but what the origin is I don't know.
sipukka, I have the whole collection of only fools and horses and I must admit, being born and bred a londoner, i have always wondered what he meant by that.
A think the correct answer was the one given 14 year's ago lolcred. Translated to My heart was going like a goodun. Its nothing to do with Aristotle here