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Corrie Babies

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smurfchops | 20:06 Wed 22nd Mar 2006 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Has anyone noticed that Jane Dansson (Leanne Battersby) is obviously pregnant? And Tracey Barlow has yet another new daughter! That's the third one so far.


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i keep noticing the changing amy but cant say i have noticed a pregnant leanne!!
Bek87 you will defo notice Leannes bump now you know !! ;0)
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They don't seem to be trying to hide it, either.
Jane Danson is certainly pregnant,she married Robert Beck last year. The writers have agreed for Leanne to get pregnant by Danny accidently on purpose on Leanne's part for monetary reasons of course:-))

so is jane danson pregnant then or is this a story line they are going to throw in in a while? they should stick to using the saem girl or identical twins etc for amy!!

sorry fina i think we wrote them both saem time yeah sozzie im sure i will kick my self for being so blind!!!
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I liked the first Amy, it takes a while to adjust to a new one. YES Jane Dansson is definitely pregnant, take a look at her bump. There is nothing in the storyline to say Danny has got her pregnant, its just not mentioned at all, but obvious for all to see. Soon we will just be seeing her head, or her sitting down, or carrying something to hide the bulge.
No probs bek87. Leanne is going to trick Danny into getting her pregnant judiewudie. Not sure when but it cant be that far off when you look at Janes bump:-)
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FINA I'm intrigued - how do you know?

lol judiewudie. I googled Jane Danson:-))

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Thought you might have worked at Granada on Corrie. I would have loved to have worked in a TV Studio. Temped for a couple of weeks on The Bill, it was great.

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