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Coronation Street

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Emma-J | 11:12 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Did anyone else notice that they have changed the actress that plays Tracy's daughter, very clever, they send Tracy on Holiday for 2 weeks and when she comes back she has a new, better looking daughter (no offence).


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Thank god, I say, because that child was fugly!

They may have had complaints from viewers with sensitive eyes, or maybe they got sick of Harry Hill taking the p1ss out of her.
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I did also read somewhere that the actress that used to play her used to scream the studio down everytime the bloke who plays Charlie Stubbs went near her, so that might have something to do with it as well.

Also I think 'actress' is stretching it a bit.

'Meat prop' might be more like it.

Oh I'm so glad someone else thought she was one unfortunate looking child! I felt mean for thinking that.
Oh dear, I hope the parents of this child are not reading these unkind remarks. I would think their little one is beautiful in their eyes.!
Yeah, I heard it was cos she was really moody and cried all the time

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