The actor who plays Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones is a different one to the one who played him in The Phantom Menace. Attack of the Clones is set about 10 years after Phantom Menace, and Anakin is all grown up. (physically anyway). In Attack of the Clones, Padme Amidala is supposed to be older than Natalie Portman actually is in real life, but i agree, she doesn't look ten years older than she did in Phantom Menace. I suppose it wouldn't be very flattering to add make up to a young girl to make her look in her late 20's - and George Lucas just expects us to have a bit of flexibility in our imaginations! There are several continuity errors across the five Star Wars films to date. One that bugs me is what happens to a Jedi Knight when he dies. In Star Wars Episode IV (the 1977 movie) when Obi Wan is struck down by Darth Vader, his Jedi cloak just falls to the ground and there is no body. When Master Yoda dies (of old age) in Episode VI (Return of the Jedi), just his empty cloak is left after his body melts away into thin air. So it would seem that when a Jedi dies, there is no corpse. Yet in The Phantom Menace, when Quai Gon is killed by Darth Maul - he doesn't disappear, and you even see him burning on a funeral pyre at the end of the movie! Why Mr Lucas, why?