lost job
My son recently applied through an agency for a job that he was sacked from (for lateness and time off when he was ill) He rang the company involved and they said they would take him back so they could see that he had improved with his time keeping. He started work and everything was going well no lates no time off and they even gave him reason to believe that they would keep him on after the six months trial.Training him on various jobs as they were so short staffed. Unfortunatly the clocking on machine was to high and he couldn't see the top and clocked out when he should have been clocking on, his line manager could see the problem and started signing the times when he came on a shift and when he finished. Unfortunatly my son had written the time down wrong and was called to the office. He explained the situation and not long after the machine was moved lower down. That night when he got home the agency rang and said the company didn't want him any more as they didn't have any work for him, when he rang them they said it was the agency that had sacked him as he was employed by them, he's rang the agency but the person involved is always out of the office or not available. He's still not sure what he's done wrong but the company did say when they'd finished him off the first time that they would take him back after six months. Now they don't want to know. He realised he'd made a big mistake the first time and this time he wanted to prove to them that he'd settled down, they even said what a good worker he was. It's such a shame these agencies can give people jobs and then take them away without a by-or leave, I thought they were in that position to get people back to work, can they actually do this, isn't there such a thing as a contract ?